With the current pandemic, it is difficult for the local chapter to organize certification sessions. Here is how the sessions will be planned for spring 2021.

Usually, certification sessions are organized in industries or educational institutions and bring together between 12 and 15 people. With the pandemic, the policies of companies and schools have changed and make it impossible for them to receive people. Until the situation improves, no certification session will be scheduled in advance. When the situation improves, we will see with our usual partners the possibility of planning sessions open to the public (probably in summer 2021).

In the meantime, if you are a company or an organization and you are able to assemble at least 12 people and you accept that certification to be given in your facilities, please contact us and we can organize a session for your group. If you are not 12 people and you are open to receiving a few people who come from other companies, we can match them to your group.

In addition, we invite you to consult the following document which explains the measures that have been taken to limit contact between people during certifications.

For people who wish to register on the waiting list for the next sessions. You can do this from the following link :

As soon as a session is organized in the region you have chosen, we will contact you. In the meantime, the training guide will be sent to you so that you can start the study.

Finally, please note that ACI International will not extend the expiration dates for certifications. If you wish to have an extension, you must contact the organization that requires your staff to be certified.

For any questions, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.