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Description : This training is now a 1-day intensive course to prepare candidates for the American Concrete Institute certification exams to become a Construction Construction Special Inspector. This...
Description : The revised Troubleshooting training has been augmented from the past version. This training has a duration of 16 hours (2 days x 8h). Background knowledge is provided as well as case st...
Every year in the fall, the seminar “Progress in Concrete” is the main course of our activities with more than 300 participants. This is an opportunity to update your knowledge in the field of concret...
Seminar Participants Year Boucherville, Hôtel Mortagne 183 2023 - Nov. 29-30 Quebec City, Centre des congrès 188 2022 - Nov. 30 - Dec. 1 Boucherville, Hôtel Mortagne 229 2021 - Dec. 1-2 Webinaire Zoom...