The purpose of the certification is to promote quality and to demonstrate knowledge of the practical inspection procedures for concrete structures, including the verification and removal of formwork, reinforcement, embedded parts, sampling, installation, finishing, joints, curing, and protection. The certification is aimed at technicians and site engineers, test laboratories, government agencies, and consulting engineers.
New since 2018 :
The Concrete Construction Special Inspector certification has been modernized and updated throughout the year 2017. This new version assesses the control of the CSA A23.1 2019 version. This new version, like the previous versions, is divided into two parts (specializations). The first specialization concerns the inspection of works during concrete placement, and the second specialization concerns the inspection of pre-placement and post-placement operations. The person holding the two specializations is able to apply the entire CSA A23.1-19 standard.
Important :
For those who must be certified as Concrete Construction Special Inspector (or previously called Concrete Construction Special Inspector Level 2), as requested by public organizations, you must hold both specializations.
Concrete Construction Special Inspector - Specialization in concrete works
The person with this specialization is able to recognize what should and should not be done during concrete pouring in order for the concrete work to be successful. Therefore, the person has the necessary knowledge to check the conformity of the delivery of concrete, the proper placement of the concrete, concrete finishing operations, the precautions to be taken in hot and cold weather, the precautions to be taken to comply with the requirements of the curing, etc.
This certification is aimed primarily at technicians and engineers who are required to check all the work during placement.
Certification content :
- CSA A23.1-19 - Chapters : 4, 5, 7 et 8 (part)
- CSA A23.2-19 - Test methods and standard practices for concrete : 1C, 3C, 4C, 5C, 6C, 7C, 17C
- Tables of CSA A23.1-19
- Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures, 8th Edition
Prerequisites :
The Specialization in concrete works is for anyone, with or without experience, working or wishing to work in the field of concrete construction. However, it is recommended that this person has the Concrete Field Testing Technian - Grade 1 certification and a minimum of 3 years experience in the field.
Evaluation :
- Written exam (90 minutes) - 70% of the final grade
- Oral examamination (90 minutes) - 30% of the final grade
To obtain the specialization, the candidate must obtain an overall score of over 70%. In addition, he must have a minimum of 60% in each exam.
Concrete Construction Special Inspector - Specialization in pre-placement and post-placement concrete operations
The specialization in pre-placement and post-placement concrete operations is granted to those who have demonstrated, through the success of the evaluations, that they are familiar with Chapters 6, 7 and 8 (part) of the CSA A23.2-19 standard which mainly apply to pre-placement and post-placement inspections.
Certification content :
- CSA A23.1-19 - Chapter 6 - Formwork, Reinforcement and Prestressing
- CSA A23.1-19 - Charper 7 - Placing, Finishing and Curing Concrete
- CSA A23.1-19 - Chapter 8 - Concrete with special performance or material requirements
- CSA A23.1-19 - Annexes A, D, H, J et N
- Tables of CSA A23.1-19
Prerequisites :
No prerequisites are required. On the other hand, experience in the field (3 years) is an important asset for the success of evaluations.
Evaluation :
- Written exam (90 minutes) - 70% of the final grade
- Reading plans (90 minutes) - 30% of the final grade
To obtain the specialization, the candidate must obtain an overall score of over 70%. In addition, he must have a minimum of 60% in each exam.
Additionnal Information
ACI Certification Card :
A certificate and a certification card that recognizes passing exams are issued to each participant. This card is valid for a period of five years and constitutes a pledge of good practice and concern for quality.
ACI Certification Sessions :
A certification session is offered every year in the spring. Other sessions are organized on request for groups of twelve people or more.
Mandatory Documentation :
- CSA A23.1-19 : Concrete materials and methods of concrete construction (
- CSA A23.2-19 - Test methods and standard practices for concrete : 1C, 3C, 4C, 5C, 6C, 7C, 17C
- Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures, 8th Edition (EB 101.08) (
Note : Participants must bring the required documentation.
Additional non-mandatory documentation:
- IAAQ : Institut d’Acier d’Armature du Québec, Manuel de normes (
- ACI- 302-1R Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction
- ACI 304-R Guide for measuring, Mixing, Transporting and Placing Concrete
- ACI 304-4R Placing Concrete with Belt Conveyer
- ACI 309-R Guide for Consolidation of Concrete
- ACI 347R Guide to formwork for Concrete
- SP2- ACI Manual of Concrete Inspection
Registration fees :
- Specialization in concrete works : $265.00 + taxes
- Specialization in pre-placement and post-placement operations: $265.00 + taxes
- Concrete construction spacial inspector (2 specializations): $530.00 + taxes
- Retake (for each specialization): $155.00 + taxes