Every fall, the local ACI Chapter awards a number of scholarships to Masters and Ph.D. students during its annual seminar “Progress in the field of concrete.”
The goal of these scholarships is to advance applied research in the field of concrete in order to promote its use and improve its performance.

Eligibility requirements :

  1. The program is open to graduate students enrolled in a university located within the limits of the local ACI Chapter;
  2. Students must have begun one semester of study within their graduate program;
  3. Students must be involved in a research project in the field of concrete;
  4. Have submitted a complete and compliant application file by the deadline. An application file consists of the registration form and a document with a maximum of 5 pages, including title, general data, photos, graphs and appendices. It must also be authorized and signed by the sponsoring professor.

Evaluation criteria for the scholarships :

  • (25 points) Relevance of the topic with regard to the concrete industry in terms of production, design, construction, repair, non-destructive testing and evaluation, etc.
  • (10 points) Integration of Sustainable development in the proposed research. One of the scholarships will be identified to Sustainable Development. To do so, the proposed research should demonstrate, on top of the other common evaluation criteria, a desire to solve Sustainable Development issue(s) in the field of hydraulic cements or concrete. The proposed research should concentrate on new challenges linked to the latest development in the field of Sustainable Development.
  • (25 points) Clear presentation of technological and scientific objectives of the proposed research project. Justification of these objectives as they relate to work already underway in this same field of research.
  • (20 points) Quality, originality and scope of the research project. Schedule and work plan.
  • (10 points) Quality of the scholarship application file (text, file formatting, tables, figures, relevance and quality of bibliographic references, etc.).
  • (10 points) Demonstration of candidate’s personal interest for his research project and career path.

Note 1 : Among the selected awardees, the one with the highest score in the Sustainable Development criteria will be awarded a scholarship with this distinction.

Note 2 : Student recipients of a scholarship must be present or mention their absence by designating a representative to receive the award during the PIC.

- In case of absence at the event, communicate the name of the replacement to the following address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- If no replacement is present at the event, the prize will be awarded to another candidate (the next in line of evaluated candidates)

Schorlarships Regulations :

Download the regulations

Number of scholarships and value :

For 2024, an amount between $12,000 and $16,000 is awarded as follow :

  • 0 to 4, $4,000 Schorlarships for studies at the Doctorate level.
  • 0 to 4, $3,000 Schorlarships for studies at the Masters level.

Registration form :

Download the registration form

DEADLINE AND APPLICATIONS FORMAT : The deadline for the reception of the applications is October 16, 2024. Applications must be submitted in PDF format by e-mail at the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Contact persons :

Jean-Benoît Darveau, ing., M. Sc.
Scholarships Secretary
Centre de Recherche sur les Infrastructures en Béton (CRIB)
Phone: (418) 656-2131 p.404663
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Julie Arsenault, ing., Ph.D.
Présidente du comité des bourses
Direction des matériaux d’infrastructures
Phone: (581) 814-2700, poste 25590
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Schorlarships Winners :

Click here to consult the past winners